Stem-cell treatments have produced tangible results in children suffering from neurological complaints including ones caused by oxygen deprivation, Amr Hassan, professor of neurology at Cairo's al-Qasr al-Ayni Hospital, told Arabstoday. The neurologist also cited cerebral palsy, which could affect an infant's motor functions, "especially motor control and walking" as well as hearing or vision as a result of oxygen deprivation. "Cerebral palsy is a condition that requires a high level of medical care and long-term treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy in order to stimulate damaged as well as healthy neurons to help the brain make up for lost functions." He added: "Stem-cell treatments are available in Egypt, but still within a research framework," he said, adding: "Research into stem-cell development is being undergone very rapidly across the world." The neurologist also said stem cells can be used to treat children suffering from autism, which he described as a disorder of embryologic origin which delays speech in children and makes them unable to connect to others, make eye contact or understand language. It also makes interactions with others "difficult" and causes children to 'laugh for no reasons and move about excessively." "[Autism] is not necessarily a hereditary disorder as 50 percent of occurrences are of unknown origins while the other 50 percent may be caused by bruising or infants suffering from fever for a month or two. "The disorder is usually discovered a year into the child's life and it can't be fully cured." Dr Hassan said: "Some electronic games, like PlayStations, could increase the severity of the disorder, so it is advised that children suffering from autism aren't left alone for long periods in front of the TV or computer game. I don't prefer banning children from enjoying these games completely, but they should be used under family supervision because banning them can have a negative psychological impact on children which would backfire. This, of course, unless there is a very strong link that worsens the patient's condition, in which case there would be direct orders from the doctor."