Health Minister Adel Adawi

Health Minister Adel Adawi on Friday said his ministry has an ambitious plan to use information technology in developing health services in Egypt.
The plan aims to improve our services quality in all ministry's institutions and bodies, as well as health units and hospitals, Adawi added during the closing discussion session of the Cairo International Exhibition for Information and Communication Technology.
The mechanization of the Egyptian Ambulance Authority is one of the most important digital projects currently implemented by the ministry, the minister said.
The project will help us to reduce the response time, reach to patients as soon as possible, and improve emergency services in remote areas, he added.
A national network has been developed also to follow up treatment decisions at the expense of the state, he said.
This year, the ministry has embarked on automating health offices project nationwide. Services in eight provinces have been automated and are underway in six others, the minister said.
"We are scheduled to finish the work in all provinces by the end of this year," he added.
Source: MENA