Dr. Sharifa Abu Al-Fotouh

The comprehensive nutrition consultant Dr. Sharifa Abu Al-Fotouh revealed to the "Al Maghrib Today" ways to protect children from school diseases.
She said that healthy and good nutrition is very important to protect children from school diseases as they contain carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins and minerals, and the nutrients needed by the body in small amounts, saying that getting these nutrients ensures good health and the body performs its functions properly.
She stressed that providing proper nutrition and physical activity for children of school age, after kindergarten and before adolescence, should be a top priority for any parents in order to be healthy and healthy.
Regarding the nutrients that children need for their growth, energy and health, she said that they are the same that adults need, but in different amounts, she added that there are three nutrients to be taken care of iron, calcium and zinc for growth.
She stressed that the essential fatty acids are types of fat that are indispensable in the diet and the body does not produce them. She stressed that these fats help build cells, regulate the nervous system, strengthen the cardiovascular system, build immunity, and help the body absorb nutrients.
She added that It is also vital to a healthy function of mind and vision, and the lack of unsaturated fatty acids may have a negative impact on school performance.
She clarified that unsaturated fatty acids are fats derived from plants and some animal sources, especially fish, liquid at room temperature. She stressed that they are called unsaturated because they are able to absorb additional hydrogen. She added that vegetables with dark green leaves include municipal lettuce, high in vitamin C and known to help reduce cholesterol.