An Egyptian gynaecologist, Dr Maher Abdel Wahab, told Arab Today that pregnant women should be conscious of vaginal bleeding, which is an early indication of a possible miscarriage. In the interview, Dr Maher said women are always conscious of any abnormalities during pregnancy, especially during the first three months.  She added, “If the pregnant ?woman notices blood, either vaginal secretion from blood capillaries or pure blood with ?is called vaginal bleeding, it is may be accompanied with pain of the lower part of the abdomen. ?This vaginal bleeding is in indicator of an impending miscarriage.” He said if this occurs, “The pregnant woman should immediately visit a specialist for examination.  The doctor will perform an ultrasound scan to determine whether the ?unborn baby has a pulse or not. If there is no pulse, then the bleeding was an indicator that the ?formation of the foetus wasn’t complete.  This is a mercy from God that its completion was interrupted ?because if it continued the baby might have mental or physical disabilities.” Dr Wahab added, “In some cases there is need to tie the uterus. This happens if the bleeding continues uncontrollably.  Surgeons will need to operate on the expecting woman to stop the bleeding -which is a risk to the baby’s life.” He recommended pregnant women in their fifth month to undergo a new 4-dimensional scanning technique, which mapped the development of the baby’s internal organs, and checked for the development of any disabilities.  He said, “The 4D technique is very precise and shows all the tiny details ?of the baby.”? The doctor added, “I advise every pregnant woman to adhere to their doctor’s instruction with ?extreme accuracy so that she doesn’t endanger the life of her expected baby. She should make effort ?during the pregnancy, and shouldn’t carry heavy things, and if she does suffer from vaginal bleeding to seek expert advice immediately”.