The function of wisdom teeth is the same as the rest of the molars. They chew food and grind it as well, according to Dr. Yousef Al-Moudallal, a dentistry specialist in Gaza. The doctor explained that blocking spaces is a minor procedure, especially when it comes to lower molars. In an exclusive interview to \'Arabstoday\' Al-Moudallal said: \"The lower teeth usually lean toward the middle of the jaw. The upper ones, however, lean to the sides of the jaw.” He then went on to explain that: \"if they take their place, and there is enough space in the jaw, there is a possibility that the other teeth will be spaced as they are.” Dr. Al-Moudallal denied the common saying according to which: “the vast majority of people suffer from problems when they grow wisdom teeth.” He explained that \"the majority do not have any problems at all. Those who suffer during their growth are of those who have a small size jaw, approximately 30% of people. “When the wisdom tooth is buried in the gums usually doesn’t cause decay; however, in the case of a partial emergence of it, the accumulation of food debris on this part, prevents its cleaning and that\'s when the tooth becomes decay.” The Doctor added: “When the tooth is completely buried, it causes pain and problems.\"  “Teeth which failed to erupt cause weakness of the jaw, and may get broken. The decision whether to pull it out or not should be made by an expert,” the dentist explains. He pointed out that pulling a tooth is sometimes necessary for many reasons, such as severe tooth decay which cannot be cured, in addition to the narrow jaw, resulting in the lack of emergence of a tooth. \"Otherwise, it’s important to keep your teeth and maintain it,” the doctor said. About anaesthesia, Al-Moudallal said: “Usually, the wisdom tooth is not subject to overall anaesthesia, except in very rare cases, like disability or illness. When overall anaesthesia is needed, the procedure is often done in hospitals and not in private clinics.” He asserted that the emergence of wisdom teeth is not limited to youth, but they can emerge even during the middle-age.