Health minister Abdelmalek Boudiaf

2015 to be year of hygiene, health system digitizationThe year 2015 will be that of the implementation of the hygiene standards in health facilities, the widespread digitization of health system management and administration and the public health service, minister of Health, Population and hospital Reform, Abdelmalek Boudiaf said Sunday in El-Tarf.
Boudiaf said that after resorption of the problem of drug availability and dysfunction in the specialized medical staff, the quantum leap to be made by the health system will pertain to the introduction of the hygiene standard and medical units' digitization at all levels.
The minister also stressed the need to review the health map of the province of El Tarf to bring the services close to citizens and eradicate the phenomenon of "itinerant patient", calling for a "supplementary work" among all stakeholders in the health sector who "must work for improving the quality of public health service."
Besides, Boudiaf stated the proposed revision of the Code of Health, recently submitted to unions and stakeholders for enrichment, will "catch malfunctions and to the Algerian health system a model to emulate in the region."
Source: APS