Sudan UN Envoy says Sudan has fulfilled its commitments towards Abyei
Ambassador , Omer Dahab

Sudan Permanent Envoy to UN , Ambassador , Omer Dahab delivered Sudan statement before the UN Security Council reviewing the UN Secretary General regular report about situation in Abyei area.

Ambassador Dahab underscored that Sudan has met all its commitments towards Abyei , which is part of Sudan, and called on Government of South Sudan to fulfill its commitments, which have not been met regarding administrative arrangements for the area , joint boarders , reactivation of monitoring and securing borders mechanisms.

The Sudan UN Envoy indicated in his statement to achievements made during the past six months in partial reactivation of air and land monitoring of joint borders , besides expression of the governments of the two countries determination to keep up state of security calmness in Abyei and reactivation of joint verification and monitoring of borders mechanism as it was mentioned in joint message of Foreign Ministers of the Sudan and South Sudan State to UN Secretary-General and resident of UN Security Council.

Ambassador Dahab, meanwhile , welcomed the scheduled visit of President of South Sudan State to Khartoum.