Second meeting of the GCC parliamentary

Doha hosted on Wednesday the second meeting of the GCC parliamentary committee in the legislative field. The meeting was attended by delegations from the GCC Shura councils and national assemblies and the GCC Secretariat General.
   In remarks to the opening session of the meeting, Advisory Council controller Mohamed Abdullah Al Sulaiti outlined the progress of the GCC joint parliamentary work and its achievements, saying that this was reached through concerted efforts and coordination between all GCC bodies.
   Al Sulaiti said this meeting was an implementation to the decision of the heads of GCC legislatures to form a committee in the legislative domain in order to help and support their meetings, pointing to Qatar's legislative efforts and achievements for the sake of the GCC joint action.
   Al Sulaiti also spoke of the list that regulates the terms of reference of the Committee and the agenda of the meeting, adding that the current meeting would put specific legal mechanism for the work of the committee in accordance with the legal system of the Gulf Cooperation Council.
Hamad bin Rashid Al Marri, GCC Assistant Secretary-General for legislative and legal affairs, said the agenda of the meeting includes the formation of a legal team with a group of experts from the committee as well as propose a list of topics for them to work on, praising the cooperation of the committee members to achieve success and meet the desired goals.
   Al Marri hailed the Qatari Advisory Council's hosting of the meeting and the role of the Omani Shura Council in hosting the previous meeting.
In a press statement, HE Advisory Council Secretary General Fahad bin Mubarak Al Khayaree said that the heads of the GCC legislative bodies decided during their 7th meeting in Kuwait to form a committee in the legislative domain, adding that the committee held its first meeting in Oman last year.
He explained that the committee discussed, at its second meeting in Doha, a memo by the GCC Secretariat General on the preparation of a mechanism to enable the committee to exercise its functions in a clear and defined way.
It also discussed a memo by the Secretariat in connection with the formation of a working legal group with experts from GCC legislatures, he said, pointing out that this committee will put forward its draft laws to the GCC parliamentary coordination committee which its meeting will be convened ahead of that by the heads of GCC legislatures.