Cairo - Arab Today
Prime Minister Sherif Ismail and Minister of Higher Education Ashraf el Sheihy will witness on Sunday the launch of a national program for technology alliances which aims at boosting local industry.
The program, Egypt Knowledge and Technology Alliances (EG-KTAs), is the link that brings together the scientific research institutions, manufacturers and NGOs, el Sheihy said.
The EG-KTAs' first stage is expected to cost up to EGP80 million, the minister said.
Head of Academy of Scientific Research and Technology Mahmoud Saqr said EG- KTAs aims to pool and network national competences in universities, research organizations, NGOs and industry to drive innovation and technology transfer for solving national pressing problems.
EG- KTAs is a cluster of partners working across the innovation chain, focusing on the national industrial sector where the main innovation actors are positioned in the driving seat for an effective technology development.
Source: MENA