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Conflicts in the Middle East have been the focus of the "unprecedented consultative meeting" of a UN Security Council (UNSC) mission and delegations from the Arab League (AL) held here Saturday, the UN said in a press statement.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the stalled Middle East process, the Syrian crisis, the developments in turmoil stricken regional states and the growing numbers of displaced people dominated the discussions.

"They discussed developments of the Palestinian issue, the Middle East peace process, updates on the situation in both Libya and Somalia, as well as challenges of the surging numbers of refugees, displaced persons and illegal immigrants," the statement said.

Co-chaired by Egypt as current UNSC president and Bahrain as head of current AL session, the meeting urged for further cooperation and coordination between the two bodies on various issues related to international peace as well as security and regional and international stability via "fixed mechanisms between the two."

For his part, AL Secretary-General Nabil al-Araby stressed the need to reconsider the way the UNSC operates in order to better fulfill its duties in dealing with crises threatening world peace and security.

The meeting was attended by representatives of UNSC permanent member states.

Following the AL meeting, the UNSC mission went to hold talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, which revolved around the Palestinian issue, the Syrian conflict and the latest developments in Libya, Somalia and South Sudan.

"Shoukry elaborated on Egypt's vision and evaluation of these issues, the international approach of them and the role of the Security Council towards them," Egyptian Foreign Ministry's Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said in a statement following the meeting.

The UNSC mission's visit to Egypt came in response to an Egypt's initiative as current UNSC chief to hold joint talks with the AL, based on the UN charter that necessitates cooperation between the world body and regional organizations on various issues.

"The UNSC mission's visit to Egypt is part of a regional tour that also includes Somalia to support peace, stability and political process in Somalia," the Egyptian foreign ministry's spokesman said.

Source: XINHUA