Zanati Serghini

The Caisse Centrale de Garantie (CCG) has announced that it recorded positive results for its Strategic Development Plan 2013-2016. According to the group’s CEO, Zanati Serghini, the plan’s objectives were largely exceeded, and a new strategic plan for the fund, covering the period 2017-2021, has been established.

During the period of 2013-2016, guaranteed and co-financed credits reached MAD 39 billion, while the number of SMEs financed amounted to 18,000, marking double the targets set. The “Particulars” activity reached MAD 22 billion of guaranteed loans and 112,000 beneficiary households.

Mohamed Boussaid chaired the 31st meeting of the Board of Directors of the CCG, where the new strategic plan for the period 2017-2021 was established. This new strategic plan will enable the CCG to play a more proactive role and anticipate the financing needs of SMEs and startups.

During the meeting, Boussaid called on banks, economic operators, and startups to further engage and mobilize themselves to take advantage of these financing opportunities, in order to consolidate the productivity and competitiveness of the national economy.

Presenting the strategic thrusts of the new 2017-2021 development plan, Serghini explained that they will focus in particular on the consolidation and development of the current products’ offerings and the identification of new axes of development in order to strengthen financial inclusion and to facilitate SMEs’ access to financing.

This plan also provides for the continued modernization of the institution. Serghini pointed out that the overall production expected by 2021 will be driven by the good dynamics of the activity in favor of the SMEs, which is its main driver.

The board of directors, which welcomed these positive achievements, subsequently approved the 2017-2021 development plan, production targets, and budget for 2017.

Source: Moroccoworldnews