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The third session of the Egyptian-Kuwaiti consular committee concluded its meetings Wednesday amid agreement on a number of items aimed at boosting trust and cooperation in joint consular domains.

Setting the agenda of the consular committee underscores the distinguished ties between the two brotherly nations, Assistant Foreign Minister for Consular Affairs Ambassador Hisham el Naqib, who leads the Egyptian delegation to Kuwait, said.

The most notable outcome of the 3rd session is agreeing on adopting a coordinated mechanisms to address some consular issues, like document authentication, residence and deportation, Naqib said.

He added that the committee focused on different topics of mutual interest on the areas of health, security, labor, civil information and others.

Naqib, meanwhile, pointed out that the meeting's report was a result of sincere efforts of the two sides that reflects keenness of officials on consular affairs so as to remove obstacles and address common issues.

Naqib further indicated that the success made during this meeting affirmed the need for holding regular meetings to discuss a number of issues in implementation of the two leaders' directives.

He said Egypt looks forward to beginning applying what has been agreed on, with the aim of addressing obstacles facing citizens of the two countries and promoting bilateral relations.

For his part, Assistant Foreign Minister for Consular Affairs Sami al Hamad stated that the committee also dealt with other topics pertaining to affairs of the Egyptian community in Kuwait like procedures of entry, arrival and residence, he added.

He also added that the meeting provided a chance to exchange views on different consular issues facing the two countries.

Hamad, meanwhile, lauded efforts exerted in this regard and continued support aimed to render the meeting successful. 

Source : MENA