Two Palestinians were injured

A number of Palestinians were injured by live ammunition, rubber bullets and teargas grenades as clashes broke out in different areas of the West Bank between youths and IOF, following protests in solidarity with 1,500 hunger striking prisoners.

Two Palestinians were injured in clashes that broke out in central Hebron.

Two others were hit by rubber-coated metal bullets and others suffered from teargas inhalation in Eizariya town, East Jerusalem.

Clashes also included the contact points in Azzoun town south of Qalqilia, and in front of Ofer prison, west of Ramallah.

On a relative matter, Israeli settlers also opened fire at Palestinian protesters near  the West Bank settlement of Jabal Tawil settlement  in Al-Bireh town.

Clashes also started at the northern entrance of Bethlehem near checkpoint 0, one youth was injured by live ammunition until the moment.

The Palestinian Authority announced Thursday a general strike in to show solidarity with the prisoners.