Heavily armed gunmen attacked the Mogadishu regional court in the Somali capital with hand grenades and automatic gunfire and huge explosions were heard in the vicinity of the court, police and witnesses said on Sunday. The attackers stormed the court building detonating explosives and opening fire at the guards and civilians at the court. \"We managed to put down the attack we killed most of the attackers and they have killed and wounded several people including some soldiers,\" Qasim Omar, a police officer at the scene told Xinhua. Witnesses said there were scenes of chaos at the court following the attack by the gunmen as people fled the area. \"Everyone run for their lives. There was shooting and explosions all around. Many people were injured or killed the gunmen fired indiscriminately at the people. They wanted to kill everyone,\" Jamaey Yusuf, an eyewitness told Xinhua. Local media reports indicate a number of fatalities including Somali government security forces.