The Representative of His Highness the Amir, Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah arrived here Sunday and is to head the Kuwaiti delegation at the scheduled Doha Alliance of Civilization Forum, themed dialogue among civilizations for development. The premier was greeted upon his arrival by Minister of Culture and Heritage Dr. Hamad bin Abd Al-Aziz Al-Kawari, Kuwaiti Ambassador Ali Salman Al-Haifi, Qatar\'s Ambassador to Kuwait Abdelaziz Al-Fheid, and Kuwaiti embassy staff. The Premier told KUNA he was eager to attend the sessions of the Alliance of Civilization Forum, and he praised Qatari\'s gesture of hosting this fourth meeting. The event, he added, is a turning point in international efforts aiming to counter extremism and polarization and to foster stability and peace. The premier noted this meeting was among the most important events on the UN agenda since its launch in 2008, and this year\'s slogan reflects the concerns and needs of peoples and nations amid current economic state of affairs. He said he has great confidence the host has provided all necessary resources to make the event a success and enable leaders to realize the final recommendations and translate intentions into actual development projects to benefit all peace-loving peoples.