University of Washington campus

University of Washington campus A former student has been charged for allegedly threatening he would bring \"Armageddon\" to the University of Washington campus, police say. Matthew A. Collins, 33, was charged with making threats to injure property in a post he allegedly made on Facebook in April, reported Wednesday.
King County prosecutors accuse Collins of writing, in part, \"I am heading up to the school, ARMED TO THE [expletive] TEETH.\"
Police were alerted to the posts and met Collins as he arrived at a campus building for a meeting with university staff. He was unarmed.
Collins denied making the posts, claiming his computer had been stolen and used by others.
Prior to the posting, Collins had been jailed for two days for violating a protection order on a felony conviction. He was released five days before the threats were allegedly made.
Collins had withdrawn from the university several months before after police talked to him about his reported erratic behavior and expressed concern about some of his online comments.
Source: UPI