King Mohammed VI (C)

King Mohammed VI inaugurated a primary healthcare center in the Sidi Othmane district in Casablanca, on Tuesday.

The center was built by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity with a total budget of MAD 11 million. It was launched by King Mohammed VI on June 18, 2016, as part of the socio-medical program for the Casablanca-Settat region (2016-2020).

The healthcare centre is representative of the Royal willingness to strengthen available healthcare by setting up a quality local medical service that meets the needs of citizens.

It is also in line with Morocco’s efforts to promote access to healthcare for the poor, accelerate medical emergency response. In addition, it will combat the irregularity of medical follow-up, which can aggravate the cases of people suffering from chronic diseases.

A reference health facility, the Sidi Othmane Primary Healthcare Center will improve access to community healthcare to a population of more than 50,000 people from disadvantaged areas in Hay Salama.

Built on a plot of 2,244 m2, the facility boasts consultation rooms (general medicine, cardiology, nephrology, endocrinology, ophthalmology and mother-child health), emergency care, oral care and a space for nutritional education.

It also includes a day hospital with six beds, a laboratory, a vaccination room, a mothers’ awareness area, a rest room, a pharmacy and an associative area.

Source: Moroccoworldnews