Depicted is the Zika Virus Antigen ELISA kit

Alpha Diagnostic International, Inc. (ADI) is excited to announce the availability of the Zika envelope protein antigen quantitative ELISA to facilitate the rapid development of Zika vaccines. This newly developed, first of its kind Zika envelope protein antigen ELISA is a simple, rapid (<4 hours.), and highly sensitive (<0.5 ng/ml) test to measure the Zika envelope protein in vaccine formulations. The non-quantitative reagents and tests that are currently available from various other suppliers were not optimized for performing quantitative assays, thereby making it very tedious and difficult to perform research aimed towards the development of Zika vaccines. Most Zika vaccines that are actively under development and testing are targeted towards the Zika envelope protein as the sole or major active component for the vaccine formulations.
Zika virus antigenic proteins can only be detected in infected samples during the course of an active infection. It is possible to detect and identify antibodies against the various antigenic Zika proteins in infected samples, but not the Zika antigenic proteins such as the envelope protein unless the infected sample also contains active Zika virus particles. "The availability of the Zika envelope protein quantitative ELISA will - for the first time - allow researchers worldwide to test the various vaccine formulations that are under development," said Dr. Masarrat Ali, Director of Research and Development at ADI. “The Zika virus antigen ELISA complements the battery of reagents and tests available from ADI for Zika virus research in the global efforts to combat the spread of the Zika virus disease,” added Dr. Ali.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Zika virus as an international public health emergency, prompted by growing concerns that it may cause severe birth defects (microcephaly). ADI was the first company to release Ebola and MERS ELISA kits, which played a major role in the testing and development of vaccines for those diseases. ADI has again responded promptly to the Zika virus threat by cloning and expressing several key antigenic proteins from Zika virus (Capsid, Envelope, prM, and NS1) and raising antibodies to these Zika proteins for the development of antibody ELISA kits. These ELISA kits have high sensitivity and require only a tiny drop of blood or serum to conduct the test. Within two hours, results are clearly evident through a visual color change and can also provide quantitative data. The ADI Zika virus detection ELISA kits are for research use only (RUO). Zika virus belongs to the Flavivirus genus which consists of West Nile virus, Japanese Encephalitis virus, Yellow Fever virus, Dengue virus, and Tick-Borne Encephalitis virus. ADI has antibody ELISA kits available for all of these related viruses.
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About Alpha Diagnostic International, Inc.: 
ADI is a privately held, U.S. biotechnology company headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. ADI develops, manufactures, and supplies novel diagnostic and quality control reagents and test kits for use in basic biological and disease research in humans and animals. An important mission of ADI is to develop and supply diagnostic and validating solutions for promoting global health through improved vaccine therapeutics and mitigating the spread of human and animal diseases. For additional details, please visit:
Contact Information 
Alpha Diagnostic Int’l, Inc. 
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San Antonio, Texas 78244 
Toll Free: (800)-786-5777 
Office: (210) 561-9515 Fax: (210) 561-9544 
Email: customerservice(at)
Media Contact 
Lubna Akhtar 
