British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson

Japanese investment in the UK has hit a "record high" since last year's shock Brexit vote, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said Friday. 

Johnson, a leading campaigner for Britain to quit the European Union, also pledged London will "build a fantastic relationship with our friends and partners in the EU" after talks with his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida in Tokyo. 

Referring to growing regional tensions over North Korea's nuclear weapons programme, he also called on China to pressure Pyonyang to agree to fresh negotiations.

The second round of contentious talks over Britain's exit from the political bloc ended this week, with the EU's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier warning "fundamental" differences remained between London and Brussels -- just days after Johnson told the EU to "go whistle" over a massive proposed divorce bill.

Japanese companies -- including automakers Nissan, Toyota and Honda -- who have long used Britain's membership of the single market to export goods to the continent could be hit if the UK's historic referendum vote to leave the 28-member bloc leads to higher export tariffs and other barriers after 2019.

However, Johnson said London would continue to develop "commercial and economic relations" with Japan, adding: "Japanese investments in the UK are at a record high since the Brexit vote last year."

Kishida told reporters he was heartened by Johnson's assurance of "transparency and predictability to minimise the impact on corporate activities", an apparent reference to foreign businesses operating in Britain.

He added Tokyo and London stood together on pushing for a "free and open international society", as he cited "challenges" including North Korea's nuclear and missile programmes and China's increasingly assertive stance on maritime territorial disputes in East Asia.

Johnson said Britain "stands shoulder to shoulder alongside Japan" in efforts to stop North Korea's military ambitions, calling Pyongyang's test-launch earlier this month of an ICBM "a reckless provocation".

He added: "We all need to increase the pressure on Pyongyang through diplomacy and through sanctions.

"And that must include China, using its influence to bring North Korea back to the negotiating table."

Earlier Thursday, Johnson met Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike and donated an old mobile phone to a recycling programme to create medals for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Koike asked former London mayor Johnson for "expertise" from the British capital's hosting of the 2012 Games.

Source: AFP