Arab coalition raids in Yemen

A leading member of Houthi militias has been killed with a number of his companions by unknown armed people in the southern area of the Yemeni capital of Sana. According to local sources, unknown armed people shot leading member of Houthi militias Abu Yusuf Hataba and three other militants in Haziz area south of the Yemeni capital of Sana.

The Houthi leader had served as a supply officer in Naham front for four months then he worked as logistics officer in the Midi front, and recently he was appointed as supervisor for the southern sector of Sana. Hataba is also in charge of a group of Houthi fighters in a number of areas in Sana province which is under his supervision.

Four members of the Houthi and Saleh militia were killed on Monday evening. Two other elements were captured during an army reprisal attack on the militia at the military post of the National Army in Nham, east of Sanaa. Field sources said that the army killed 4 Houthis and Salih forces, and captured two other elements, following the arrest of the forces of Brigade 314, an attempt to infiltrate into the village, "Hool".

On the other hand, three of the forces loyal to Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, backed by Arab coalition forces, were killed, while only one was injured in the areas of Asifra, Alkhalha and Dabab in Taiz. Sources revealed that the Houthi militias launched artillery attack against the sites controlled by the governmental troops.

Fierce clashes continued Wednesday night between Yemeni military forces on one hand and Houthi militias and other forces loyal to Yemen’s former President Ali Abdullah Saleh on several fronts in the province of Taiz. The clashes coincided with continued air raids on positions, reinforcements and targets of the insurgents.

The Yemeni army managed to foil an infiltration attempt by militias into the Siraatin area on the Salo front, south of Taiz Directorate, where fierce battles took place, during which the militias suffered heavy casualties and material damage. There were also fierce battles between Yemeni forces loyal to the legitimate government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and the insurgents in the surrounding areas of Khalid bin Walid camp.

The army’s artillery shelled positions belonging to the Houthi and Saleh militias west of the Sarawah district of Marib. Sources said that the national army used heavy artillery, last night, to bombard the strongholds of Houthi militias in the western area of Sarawah, leading to the burning of military equipment. In turn, the Arab Alliance aircraft targeted the positions and reinforcements of the militias in the vicinity of the Risan Bridge and the Mukha Crossing, causing heavy casualties among the insurgents.

The army’s artillery shelled positions belonging to the Houthi and Saleh militias west of the Sarawah district of Marib. Sources said that the national army used heavy artillery, last night, to bombard the strongholds of Houthi militias in the western area of Sarawah, leading to the burning of a military equipment. In turn, the Arab Alliance aircraft targeted the positions and reinforcements of the militias in the vicinity of the Risan Bridge and the Mukha Crossing, causing heavy casualties among the insurgents.

Yemen’s former Governor of Aden Idruss Zubaidi stressed his support for the legitimate government of Yemen’s President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and the role performed by Arab Coalition in Yemen. He stressed that they south of Yemen strongly refuses the insurgency and stresses  its support for the legitimate government.