Forced deportation of dozens of displaced families in Anbar

Dozens of displaced families from the districts of Qaim, Ramadi and Fallujah, are forcibly deported from Hit district in Anbar province (190 km) west of Baghdad. The leader of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), Yazan Mishaan al-Jubouri, revealed, on Thursday, the details of the security breach carried out by ISIS elements on all sections of northern Tikrit, and the joint Iraqi forces.

Jubouri said in a statement that since last night, the elements launched an extremist attack on all sections of northern Tikrit, an attack on the refractory sector, which confronted by the brigade 51 of PMF and the Iraqi army, what left 17 extremists killed and many others injured.
Another attack took palce addressed by PMF, leaving  the leader of PMF, Badr al-Okidi killed and 28 others from ISIS.
He added that Kata’ib Jund al-Imam managed to repulse a violent attack launched by the Islamic State group on al-Sineya-Haditha defense line, west of Baiji, what inflicted heavy human and material losses on the attackers.

Iraqi Minister of Migration and Displacement, Jassem al-Jaff, said Thursday, during a meeting in Erbil by the ministry’s Nineveh relief workforce, that his ministry expects 150.000 to leave homes as operations continue to recapture the remaining districts in the region.
The ministry continues efforts to erect 6000 more reserve refugee shelters, al-Jaff stated. He urged a faster pace in rehabilitating areas retaken from IS in order to encourage displaced families to return to their home regions.

The Iraqi minister called on the Governor of Nineveh and the relevant ministries to accelerate the rehabilitation of the liberated areas and restore services to them and to make efforts to reconstruct and restore infrastructure in the province to encourage displaced families to return to liberated areas in Mosul. He pointed out that there is a return of the displaced from the liberation operations of 100 thousand displaced from the camps to the liberated areas, especially in Mosul. Al-Jaff said there were good preparations for evacuating, sheltering and providing relief to the new arrivals.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi Observatory for Human Rights (IOHR) reported that there are threats to deport the displaced from Fallujah and Ramadi and not to receive those displaced from the areas of western Anbar after accusing of cooperating with ISIS.

"Article (1/7 D)  of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court criminalizes forcible transfers or affirms that the deportation of populations or forcible transfer of populations, when committed in the context of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any A population of civilians, constitutes a crime against humanity, "IOHR" stated.

The observatory revealed that it receives a military order issued by the command of the operations of the island and directed to the local councils in the courts of Hit and Haditha to prevent the reception of displaced families from areas under the control of ISIS. "The decision was made to inform the liberated families of their area to return to their original areas of residence in agreement with the head of the Anbar Provincial Council, Saadoun al-Alwani, but the decision excludes the staff and the public service," said Muhannad Jassim, head of the local council for the judiciary.

Local sources in the district of Hit told the Iraqi Observatory for Human Rights that "the decision includes all the displaced from Ramadi Fallujah and areas west of Anbar, and includes the deportation of the families of ISIS in the district of Hit.