Marrakech Menara Airport Ranks 4th Most Beautiful in the World
Marrakech’s Menara Airport

A famous Italian website has published its ranking of the Top 11 airports in the world. Marrakech’s Menara Airport ranked the fourth best hotel worldwide.

TGCOM24, one of Italy’s most renowned news websites, has published its ranking of the world’s Top 11 airports. The website, took several criteria into account in establishing its ranking, such as the beauty of the edifices and their architectural design.

The newly inaugurated Menara Airport, in Marrakech, took fourth position in the international ranking and was the only airport from North Africa and the Middle East to make it the list.

The Italian website, owned by Italian billionaire and former Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, stated that the Red City’s airport is a mixture of “Islamic architecture and trendy modern engineering.”

Charles de Gaulle Airport in the French capital of Paris, ranked first, whereas Barajas Airport in Madrid and Sondika Airport in Bilbao, Spain came second and third respectively.

Colorado Airport and John F. Kennedy Airport ranked fifth and sixth in the TGCOM24 ranking, just after Menara. They were followed by Osaka Airport in Japan and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, which took the seventh and eighth positions.

Seul Incheon, Beijing and Singapore international airports ranked, 9th, 10th and 11th respectively.

Source :Morocco World News