In an exclusive interview with Arabstoday, Lebanese singer Nagham speaks about her musical roots and what she looks forward to in her career. “I entered the world of singing because I loved it since I was a parents and friends played a big role in encouraging me, singing was an inspiration to me.” About her predictions for the future, Nagham said: “I want to achieve something special, and present beautiful art and songs. I don’t know yet what art is going to grant me, but I hope it will be good and beautiful, and that it satisfies me.” Regarding her being likened to Mona Abu Hamza, she said: “That really happened...they also likened e to Brigitte Bardot and others, and that makes me happy as they liken me to beautiful ladies.” When asked about recent trends of stars to adopt more "sexy and seductive" images as a way to gain fame easily, she said: “I’m not against it, nor am I for it. It's best to be in the middle. The celebrities shouldn’t be either very seductive or too conservative.” She said: “I entered the industry at a time where the art scene was crowded with talent, but what makes me different is the people’s love and acceptance, to whom I promise to do good work that suits all classes and ages.” About the cirumstances of her meeting with Shady Ayash, her manager, she said: “I met Shady accidentally, he asked me to go to his office as he heard my voice and then we agreed to sign a contract together because Shady’s reputation is very good in the industry. That is how we started working together.” She added: “Shady is the brother and manager of the singer Ramy Ayash, which made me think of singing a duet, rather I hope to soon. At the moment there is no agreement to apply this idea, but it is possible.” “If I am to choose between a duet with him and another singer, I’d choose Ramy Ayash. I adore his beautiful voice and it would be an honour to sing with him,” she said. The star singer then spoke about her popular music videos. “I also don’t prefer innocence and child-like themes in music videos,” she added. Nagham continued: “I didn’t adopt this style on purpose, but I acted spontaneously and naturally...since it was my first experience in music videos, I wasn’t acting but only being myself. I have an independent style, and maybe my face shows innocence with a little maturity.” About making songs for children, she said: “Of course, I have it in mind, I want to cater to all tastes.” The star dismissed the idea of hosting shows or foraying into acting, saying: “For now I’ll only focus on singing, but if I get a good respectable offer that is popular with the public, I won’t refuse it. In my opinion, art is a message that may make people aware about social issues, for example. If I get an offer that delivers a message to society, I’ll accept it.” In terms of the artistic scene nowadays, Nagham said “There are beautiful voices, and names meriting their positions and there are others of whom I can’t express my opinion, but only leave the judgement to the people as the audience is the judge.” About her way of communicating with the audience, she said: “If the audience loves someone, it is their right to communicate. I don’t have any connection with the audience yet, but from now on I’ll have accounts on Twitter, Youtube and Facebook’ to reach out to my fans.” On entering the music industry with only a single and not an album, she said: “I’m still a beginner now. I initially planned to make one song at a time and proceed like that, then collate all the songs into a special album as I may make ten albums that all fail with only one successful song. That depends on planning and being intelligent.” When asked about plastic surgery, she said: “I’m not against it. If a human being suffers a defect, then they should try to fix it.” Nagham denied having surgery, saying: “There is no doubt that people don’t believe anymore in the existence of natural beauty because now many people go for it.” If she at some point would go through plastic surgery, she said: “Maybe. We grow old, and I don’t find it wrong if someone makes some adjustments, not changing what ‘God has created’.” When Arabstoday asked about her love life, she said she was “not in a relationship”: “I’m a romantic at heart...I have feelings and emotions, but there is no one in my life now as I’m giving all my energy to my work. Love comes when it does, we don’t plan it.” In singing, she looks up to the late singer Zekra, adding that she loves "all beautiful voices”. We asked about her upcoming projects, and she said: “I’m still listening to some songs to choose one. It will be in the Lebanese dialect, as my first one was in the Egyptian dialect which was not on purpose but only because I liked the words. I will also do a Gulf song in the future.