Prominent Lebanese singer Najwa Karam denied recent circulating rumors about her intention to get married in the near future. Najwa also condemned prediction by astrologist about her private life that has become a nuisance to her at the start of every New Year. Najwa said that she considers predictions made about stars are nonsense and she finds it ridiculous that every year astrologist predict that she will get married. She added that no one can predict the future and no one has the power to manipulate other’s destiny. With regards to her insistency on not singing in the Egyptian dialect and only in the Lebanese dialect, Najwa stressed that this fact is not an indication that she has something against Egyptians, but rather feels each singer can master singing if they sung in their original dialect. Najwa added that she finds pride in singing in the Lebanese dialect and it is what had made her popular for so many years and placed her on the top of Lebanese singers.