Microsoft at Microsoft Technology Centre

The Intellectual Property Rights Department at Dubai Customs, DC, has initiated a joint workshop with Microsoft at Microsoft Technology Centre, MTC, in Dubai, which is aimed at providing DC directors and employees with hands-on information on Microsoft’s latest smart technologies that shape cities of the future.

The Dubai Customs delegation comprised Saeed Al Tayer, Executive Director of Policies and Legislations, Yousuf Ozair, Director of IPR, Narmin Issa, Director of Legal Affairs, Ekhlas Al Mutawa, Director of Customs Audit, Ghaneema Ibrahim, Director of Customs Refunds and Maqasa, Adel Obaid Al Suwaidi, Director of Technical Support, and a host of Dubai Customs employees from various customs centres and departments. Jawad Al Redha, Head of Microsoft’s Government Interface for Intellectual Property Rights and Small and Mid-Market Solutions and Partners Business Development, received the guests.

"We hope, through this workshop, to keep DC officials and employees abreast of the latest IT solutions to leverage government services in smart cities. Dubai Customs has, over the years, launched numerous smart projects and initiatives directed towards the best interest of its clients, whether in saving time and effort or in cutting cost. Dubai Customs is always determined to ensure the highest ROI for its clients, as part of its commitment towards boosting Dubai’s status as the ultimate destination for doing business," said Saeed Al Tayer.

"Dubai Customs became the first government department to provide the full range of its services via smart phones and watches around the clock back in 2013. Our pursue of excellence can be seen in the long record of smart initiatives launched by Dubai Customs, the Customs Post Audit Smart System, the Smart Bags Inspection System and the echo-friendly amphibious vehicle, to name a few," he added.

The Director of IPR at Dubai Customs, Yousuf Ozair, commented on the workshop, saying, "The IPR Department took the initiative to organise this workshop with the direct collaboration and support of Microsoft to explore its latest smart IT solutions and platforms."

Microsoft experts presented DC officials with the latest trends in developing cities of the future and how smart technologies are changing everyday city life.

Ali Nimer, Regional Government Solutions Director, Gulf, at Microsoft, said, "CityNext is an initiative that empowers cities to be more sustainable, prosperous, and economically competitive. It is set to unlock cities’ potential by delivering innovative digital services that can aid citizens lead safer, healthier, and more educated lives."

Microsoft’s Smart Solutions Specialist, Sherif Debesse, spoke about the MS Business Intelligence Solution, which provides decision makers with easy and timely access to enterprise data. "Microsoft Business Intelligence offers a complete, integrated, fully scalable business intelligence solution that supports the entire organisation and delivers the tools and resources needed to improve decision making and the overall performance of any business," said Debesse.

Imad Abu Yabes, MTC Technical Manager, showcased the Surface Hub, a touch-screen ultra-high-definition display that participants in the office and at remote locations can use to brainstorm and get creative.

Rami Abu Mhanna, Cloud Productivity Sales Specialist, highlighted SharePoint Server 2016 capacities in creating a more people-centric file storage and document collaboration, using touch-based experiences across devices as well as providing an improved mobile access to content, people, and applications.