Looking for ways to show your man some love? Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to do something sweet and spontaneous for your partner to show him just how much he means to you. Here’s a few simple ideas to get you going.. 1.       Hug This may sound obvious, but often it’s the simplest of gestures like a loving embrace which make our partners the happiest. And if you need any more proof, keep in mind that leading Psychologist Dr Ludwig Lowenstein has found that the secret to a happy marriage is to have four hugs a day. 2.       Share his hobby Now no one is asking you to become a football pundit, but if your man is into sports, why not accompany him to his next game. It may not be your cup of tea, but at least it will show him that you are willing to make an effort to share his interests. For a smaller gesture, just ask him what the scores are and what it means for his team’s chances in the Premier League/cup/tournament. Trust me, he’ll be over the moon. 3.       Tell him he’s great How many people get sick of hearing about how great they are? Not many, that’s for sure. It’s easy for couples to get complacent in the domesticity of their relationships and forget why they are actually together – to be happy. So tell your man exactly why he makes you feel great. Compliment the small things he does for you, like making a cup of tea or mending the fence. A few kind words will really make him feel loved and appreciated. 4.       Serenade him This probably sounds really cheesy and I can already hear you screaming “urghh no way!”, but spontaneously bursting out in song is a fun way to make your guy smile. And you don’t have to be Whitney Houston to try this one either, just choose something upbeat with great lyrics and you’ll both be laughing your way to a better day. I’m loving The Lumineers song Hey Ho at the moment which has the lyrics “You belong with me, I belong with you, my sweetheart.” I sing this to my husband all the time and it really cracks us up. 5.       Try something new Valentine’s is the perfect time to try new things with your spouse. Whether it’s an activity like zorbing or a cultural event like going to the ballet, doing something out of your comfort zone will really help you guys bond. It will remind your fella that you’re adventurous and great fun to be with. And for those of you on a budget, why not try an indoor picnic or a trip to the museum. Don’t believe the stereotypes that Valentine’s Day is just about flowers and expensive gifts. A few thoughtful and kind gestures can often say more than aftershave and fancy dinners, so don’t hold back, give it a try.