For most of her childhood and early adulthood, author Sonia Crystella was bedridden. Born with a weak immune system, Crystella was prescribed various drugs and antibiotics, but nothing seemed to help. After giving birth to her son, Crystella decided to take control of her body. Her new book, “Unlocking The Secrets To Longevity: Handing You ‘The Key’” (published by Balboa Press), reveals the secrets to anti-aging that Crystella has used to repair and rejuvenate her body. “Stress, diet and chemicals are creating havoc in our society,” says Crystella. “Learning how to keep them under control is what most people are looking for, but they don’t know where to start.” “Unlocking The Secrets To Longevity” complies a wealth of information on science and metaphysics to help readers better understand their bodies. Crystella breaks down cell structure and the role of Telomeres in the anti-aging process for readers in a clear, concise manner. Pulling from her own life experiences, she gives readers the tools to slow the aging process and a live a happier, healthier life. In “Unlocking The Secrets To Longevity,” readers will learn: Ways to clear out the toxins easily The best anti-aging skincare on today’s market Twenty-first century breakthroughs in aging The latest cancer fighters from cancer researchers Source: PRWEB