14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan was created by Shaun Hadsall, a certificated nutritionist, who has helped thousands of people lose extra weight. The program focuses on the usage of carbohydrates to get rid of fat quickly and effortlessly. In addition, the author offers people a technique called “Marco-Patterning”, which includes Deplete Day, Cheat Day, and Carb Baseline Day. This technique helps the body convert extra fat into energy. Moreover, the program guides people on how to run, and control the amount of carbohydrates needed to burn fat efficiently. After Shaun Hadsall released the program, he received many positive comments from customers regarding their success with 14 Day Fat Loss Plan. The website Vinaf.com tested the program and has revealed the comprehensive overview. The comprehensive overview on the website confirms that 14 Day Fat Loss Plan is a revolutionary program that helps people to eradicate fat quickly and permanently. The program reveals to people helpful tips and powerful techniques to improve their metabolism and shed unwanted weight while they enjoy meals. In addition, people will know simple 15-minute exercises, which mainly concentrate on removing fat from the belly. When they purchase the program, people will get some useful bonuses that assist them in the fat loss process. They are the 14 Day Fat Loss Fast Start Guide book, 14 Super Sneaky Fat Loss Tricks book, 14 Fat Burning Dinner book, 14 Day Rapid Loss Continuation Cheat Sheets and 14 Fat Burning Desserts. Caron David from the website Vinaf.com tells: “14 Day Fat Loss Plan is a new program that works effectively for people who want to have a fit body and good health. With this program, people enjoy their favorite food and do not reduce food intake significantly. People can save money, time and effort paying for useless fat loss methods in today's market. The program is designed for people to follow with ease. Besides, when they buy the program, people will receive polite customer support and a 100% money back guarantee within 60 days, so people should not worry about anything." If people wish to get pros and cons of the program, they should visit the website: http://vinaf.com/14-day-rapid-fat-loss-plan-review/ Source: PRWEB