Crabbing – A Natural Way To Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder? Norfolk Company Finds Winter Seaside Breaks Alleviate SAD Now the clocks have gone back, more people will experience symptoms of SAD, which include low self-esteem, lethargy and an increased appetite. Research by Norfolk-based Gone Crabbing which specialises in seaside clothing, gifts and crabbing gear, has found that 95% of people* who spend a winter weekend or two at the British seaside find it alleviates SAD symptoms. There are a host of reasons why packing your bucket and heading for the coast to go crabbing this November might be better than reaching for a bottle of pills: LIGHT – SAD is caused by reduced exposure to natural light. People hide indoors when the weather turns cold. However, even in the worst of weather, people spend more time outdoors and exposed to the lovely big skies when they visit the seaside. The simple act of looking up at the sky, even if overcast, has also been proven to fill you with awe and make you feel better. NEGATIVE IONS – research has found that negative ions – found in abundance at the seaside – helps over come SAD, boosts your mood, improves your breathing and are great stress busters. TRYPTOPHAN – no trip to the seaside is complete without a helping of shellfish or a portion of fish and chips. Did you know that tuna, salmon, shrimps, sardines and cod have nearly as much tryptophan, ounce for ounce, as turkey. Tryptophan helps to raise your serotonin levels which is guaranteed to make you feel better. GETTING MOBILE – simply being more active improves your mood and Gone Crabbing’s research found that people spend more time walking when visiting the seaside then they would at home. NATURE – getting back to nature is a great way to de-stress and switch off from technology. There’s nothing more therapeutic than watching the sea and finding your inner child by having fun crabbing, whether you’re 4 or 94. A BREAK – taking a break from your routine helps lift the spirits so a trip to the seaside is bound to make you feel better coupled with all the other added benefits. HAPPY MEMORIES – looking at photos or reminders of your seaside visit will give you an instant boost once you’re back at home. Why not invest in a Colin The Crab oven glove or a Steve The Seagull hoody from Gone Crabbing to give you an instant high? Commenting on SAD, Dr Sarah Jarvis speaking on behalf of said: “About one in 50 people in the UK suffers from SAD, with four times more women than men being affected. It often runs in families. People living in hotter countries suffer less often, and it seems to be more common in the north of the UK, particularly in parts of Scotland.” Source: sourcewire