The best sex occurs between two people who know and trust each other, a U.S. survey by Durex, the condom maker, indicates. A national survey conducted by Durex found 83 percent of respondents said sex is key to maintaining a great relationship and the best sex comes with strings attached. Ninety-six percent of men and women who said sex was more fulfilling when there is an emotional connection between partners, while 94 percent of respondents said sex was better when a partner wants "only you." Laurent Faracci, chief strategy and marketing officer, Reckitt Benckiser USA, the parent company of Durex, said another benefit of being with someone special is people can move to the next level and "sexplore" together. Faracci said Durex market research in 2012 about American sexual habits found opposed to popular cultural beliefs, Americans who did not see sex as purely physical were more satisfied with their overall sex life, more confident in their sexual abilities and had a stronger sex drive. Jenny McCarthy, 1993 Playboy Playmate, actress and comedian hosted the brand's new "Liberating Side of Being Together" campaign in New York where the survey details were released. The survey of 2,000 U.S. men and women -- 50 percent women, 50 percent men -- age 25 and older was conducted by CrowdTap March 16-27.