New research by shows women take advantage of gender bias to highlight new directive that will see women pay higher insurance premiums - 55% of women admitted that they’d flirted to get their own way in day-to-day life 29% of women said they used sex as a reward for their partner 21% of women admitted they flirted at work to receive preferential treatment A survey by comparison website has found that the majority of women flirt to get their own way, whilst almost a third of women in relationships say they use sex as a reward. The results highlight gender bias in the workplace and on the road. To highlight the imposed EU Gender Directive, which from the 21st of December will prevent insurers from discriminating on a gender basis, has looked into areas of gender bias. A survey of 2,000 people has found that women are likely to benefit on the road, in the workplace and in relationships, purely because of their gender. When asked ‘Are you more likely to give way to an attractive motorist?’ just 16% of women said ‘yes’, compared to 42% of men. More than half of female respondents, 55%, admitted that they’d flirted to get their own way in day-to-day life, whilst almost one in three women in relationships, 29%, said they used sex as a reward for their partner. The survey also looked into workplace differences between men and women. A fifth of women, 21%, admitted they flirted at work to receive preferential treatment. Asking those in a managerial position that included making decisions regarding recruitment, 39% of men said they’d employed a candidate based on how attractive they found them, compared to 26% of women. A similar number of male and female respondents, 43% and 40% respectively, said they then went on to have a relationship with the employee in question. Almost three in five employers, 57%, said they gave preferential treatment to attractive employees. commissioned the survey to investigate gender bias, which will be ruled out when the EU Gender Directive comes into play on Friday 21st December. The comparison website has also produced a video series featuring ‘Britain’s Worst Driver’ Charlie DeFouncs, a man who legally becomes a woman after realising the benefits women enjoy both on the road and in their day-to-day lives. The eight-part video series, which has had more than 400,000 views, can be seen here: Sharon Flaherty, head of PR and content at, had the following to say: “By highlighting positive discrimination towards women, we hope to bring attention to a very important issue. If women want to potentially save money on their car insurance, they have until the 21st of December to get a new quote. After that, they’ll be subject to the same premiums as men. As the results of this report show, women are better off in many ways, but one of those benefits will soon disappear, which as an company, we’re not particularly happy with. “Many women are still unaware of the EU Gender Directive, but I’m sure they’ll be concerned when they realise their insurance costs could rise considerably as a result. To highlight the change and to help women save money whilst they still can, we have also produced a documentary-style series starring anti-hero Charlie DeFouncs. It’s caused a bit of controversy due to perceived sexism, but the character has been useful in conveying the proposed changes.”