Despite a lifetime spent munching cheese, quaffing red wine and puffing Gauloise cigarettes, French women age better than anyone else in Europe. By 40, French demoiselles appear seven years younger than their British counterparts, all thanks to their love of anti-ageing skincare - a passion that kicks off in their teens. News of French skincare supremacy came courtesy of a survey of British women, which found that more than 80 per cent believe French females to be the best preserved in Europe. The survey, commissioned by UK beauty retailer, also found that although French women look on average seven years younger, for some, the gap is far greater. Politician Ségolène Royal, 59, was thought to be 12 years younger at 47, while actress Catherine Deneuve, 69, was believed to be 10 years younger. Adhering to the seven year standard, French actress Audrey Tautou, who is 36, was thought to be 29, while Juliette Binoche, 48, was judged to be 41. The vast majority of British women, 89 per cent, think the secret to French women's youthful looks is their anti-ageing skin care regime. French ladies start using skin repair, anti-ageing creams and serums at least five years earlier than British women - 33 per cent of French women start as early as 15, and by the age of 20, nearly two thirds of French women are using specialist anti-ageing French pharmacy brands such as Avène, La Roche-Posay and Caudalie. On this side of the English Channel women generally don't start on their skin-care routine until the age of 25, and even then it's only half of British women who do it consistently. skin-care expert Emma Leslie said: British women tend to start using anti-ageing products when they start to see the first effects of ageing, which can be a bit too little too late.” “French women, on the other hand, will often take preventative measures even when they are in their mid to late teens.” “French pharmacy skincare brands also lead the world in the latest anti-ageing research.” The French are by far the biggest spender on anti-ageing products in Europe and spent £1.9bn on facial skincare in 2009 - an average expenditure of £78 for every woman over 15 in France. British women spend less than half that (£854m) which may go some way to explain the comparatively wrinkle-free French visage. When British women were asked if French women's increased expenditure had worked for them 90 per cent said they thought it had, while 51 percent said they would be happy to spend more if it got the same results.