A volcano has erupted on Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia\'s Far East, with ash rising to an altitude of 10 km above sea level, RIA Novosti news agency reported Tuesday. During the eruption, a crevice with a depth of about 30 meters was formed on top of the volcano. An earthquake that lasted seven minutes was also recorded, a representative from the Russian Academy of Sciences was quoted as saying. The volcano\'s 10-km ash column was the highest during the past month, breaking the record of 8200 meters. Currently there is no danger for local communities near the Shiveluch volcano, though the ashes may spread to nearby villages, the representative said. The activities of the Shiveluch volcano, which rises 3283 meters above sea level, have increased since 2009. Since the volcano first erupted in 1980, its activities have been continuously monitored by local authorities. There are more than 150 volcanos on the Kamchatka Peninsula, and 29 of them are active.