Doha - QNA
Following is the weather forecast tonight in Qatar for today , Friday valid until 18:00 hours on Friday as issued by the Meteorology Department. The weather will be dusty nand partly cloudy with chance of scattered rain. Wind speed will be southeasterly to Southwesterly 05-15 kt becoming northwesterly-Northeasterly inshore and northeasterly -southeasterly 05-15 KT offshorre. Visibility will be between 04 to 08 km or less at places. Sea state will be between 1 to 2 ft inshore and 1 to 3 ft for offshore. Tide Times and temperatures are as follows: Area High Tide Low Tide Min. Temp. ——- ——- ——— ———– Messaid ***** 11:30 30 Wakrah 17:45 10:45 30 Doha 17:15 10:15 32 Al Khor 16:45 10:00 30 Ruwais 17:00 11:00 29 Dukhan 09:15 15:30 32 Sunrise today : 05:07 lt Sunset Today : 18:00 It